2.4.7 Update:
- For MacOS Sequoia use QuickLook instead of Preview to view PDFs
(submitted 14 September 2024)
2.4.5 Update:
- Add Copy button for Timesheet Descriptions.
(5 April 2024)
2.4.4 Update:
- Minor adjustment to Timesheet Description suggestion list.
(25 February 2024)
2.4.3 Update:
- Updates for MacOS Sonoma
(04 October 2023)
2.4.2 Update:
- Bug fixed: Issue with Viewing PDF when Customer Name has diacritic letters.
- Timesheet Items on Invoice: Allow modification of Description and Unit in Invoice Editor.
(11 May 2023)
2.4.1 Update:
- Bug fixed: When sending PDF via Mail, email subject and recipients were blank for macOS Ventura users.
(17 Nov 2022)
2.4.0 Update:
- We have removed in-app purchases - the Time Tracker is now available to all users.
(9 Nov 2022)
2.3.4 Update:
- Invoice Item Editor: display correct currency symbol with Discount.
(30 Sep 2022)
2.3.3 Update:
- Expanded Item Description field when adding Items or adding Items to Invoice.
(5 Jul 2022)
2.3.2 Update:
- Correction to values in Locales that use comma decimal separator and a french translation correction.
(6 Apr 2022)
2.3.1 Update:
- Bug fix with rounding of Large Numbers on Invoice Lines.
- Include Minimum/Maximum Year restrictions on dates to prevent mis-keying of year.
(4 Apr 2022)
2.2.9 Update:
- Bug Fix.
(2 Nov 2021)
2.2.8 Update:
- Display 0% tax on PDF and screen if tax code is loaded.
- Update of Bee Invoicing logo.
- Minor background updates.
(21 Oct 2021)
2.2.7 Update:
- Allow different Tax Rates per Item
- Expand length of Description text input fields when window is expanded
- App icon updated.
- Correction to allow for editing an Invoice Line where Item has been deleted.
- Minor bug fixes.
(27 Sep 2021)
2.2.6 Update:
- Time Tracker: New “Resume” button allows Time Tracker to add time to an existing Time Entry.
- Time Tracker: Rounding options - Round to Nearest time (current), Round Up, Round Down.
- Receipt layout added for Template 5
- Allow delete of multiple Invoice line items (hold down Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple lines).
(20 May 2021)
2.2.5 Update:
- Use user defined title when displaying document number on PDF’s, e.g. “Invoice No.”.
- Bug fix relating to importing Contacts (when address label is nil)
- Changes to Daisy HelpBot
(01 April 2021)
2.2.4 Update:
- Switch the Email button to a Share button to allow PDF’s to be shared via more means.
- Invoice Totals have been moved to the sidebar in line with other tables.
- PDF Invoices - display Item Price up to 4 decimal places.
- Bug fixes.
(6 Dec 2020)
2.2.3 Update:
- Email direct from Bee Invoicing is now available!
- Invoice PDF Template adjustments.
- Payments: Allow negative Payments for payment of Credit Notes. Adjust Payment Amount when Invoice balance > 2 decimal places and full balance is being paid.
- Improvements to adding new Customer from Contacts on-the-fly during Invoicing.
- Issue with Importing CSV Items in Europe where they use comma in their amounts. This creates an issue in CSV files. Information alert given.
- Adjustments to Daisy the HelpBot which was cutting off the end of longer conversations
(5 Nov 2020)
2.2.1 Update:
- Timer bug-fix!
(15 Sep 2020)
2.2 Update:
- New Time Tracker Tool! Track your time spent on a task and automatically create Timesheet entries. Available in the new Store tab.
- New PDF Template added. This template has been designed with wider margins and return address on the left to suit printing and folding into a double-windowed envelope.
- Minor updates to Reports.
- Minor update to Dashboard.
- Minor adjustments to display of Buttons.
(11 Sep 2020)
2.1.4 Update:
- New Reporting Tool! Reports now available: Invoice Details, Tax Summary, Revenue by Client, Item Sales, Time Entry Details (more to come…)
- Adding Customers on-the-fly from Contacts during Invoicing.
- Customer-specific Invoice Prefixes
- Full Customer History Report (part of Customer Statements)
- Add shadow to windows
- Link to new tool to auto-resize logos (in Companies tab)
(24 July 2020)
2.1.3 Update:
- Receipt PDF Adjustments
- Allow Invoice and Quote prefix of up to 10 characters (previously 6)
- Fix display of notes that use Helvetica Neue Light
(16 Nov 2019)
2.1.1 Update:
- PDF Receipts now available! (in Payments tab)
- Include Invoice/Quote Prefix in PDF filename.
- Allow setting of default Company (in Companies, useful when there is more than one Company).
- Auto-save Toolbar customisations.
- Update display of Currency Symbol on Invoice Lines when currency changed in Invoice Editor.
- Include “Notes” when exporting Customers and Items.
- Minor display adjustments.
(18 Oct 2019)
2.1.0 Update:
- Dashboard update.
- Small updates
(30 Aug 2019)
2.0.7 Update:
- Spanish translation.
- Improvements to French translations.
- Correction to rounding to always use half-up method.
(16 May 2019)
2.0.5 Update:
- Our first translation! Bee Invoicing now available in French. More languages to come!
- Allow negative taxes.
- Allow View of multiple Invoices at once.
- Include Custom Fields in Invoice/Quote export.
- Bug fix: When select multiple Items and ctrl-click (instead of right-click), only a single row is selected (i.e. if want to delete multiple Items).
- Bug fix: Dashboard was not updating when new Invoice added.
- Bug fix with multi-page Quotes/Invoices when font not set in Preferences.
(9 April 2019)
2.0.4 Update:
- Allow fixed Invoice and Quote Number prefixes.
- Include link to Privacy Policy in About Page
- Add page numbers when PDF goes across multiple pages.
- Corrections to Help pages
- Correct margins of Footer on PDF to match rest of document
- When copying Quote to Invoice - don’t copy notes, get them directly from Company
(12 Feb 2019)
2.0.3 Update:
- Allow Customers to be created “on-the-fly” during Invoicing.
- When new Product Group added, scroll to and select new group.
- When selecting (highlighting) an Invoice line, highlighted text should go white against a dark background.
- Due Date & Delivery Date automatically “ticked” when date updated.
- Bug fixes
(20 Sep 2018)
2.0.2 Update:
- Fix display of toolbar for older OS’s and in fullscreen mode.
- Bug fixes
(7 Sep 2018)
2.0 Update:
- Fresh new look!
- New PDF Template added
(24 Aug 2018)
1.10.8 Update:
- Daisy the HelpBot - give me a try!
(25 May 2018)
1.10.6 Update:
- Bug fix for Euro users that use comma separator in numbers.
(4 May 2018)
1.10.5 Update:
- New option to view ALL Customer Statements
- New option in Timesheets to view All Open Timesheets
- Allow 4d.p. on Item and Job rates.
- Display negative balances on main Invoices screen.
- Bug fix: Inactive Customers appearing in Customer drop-down list in Invoice Editor
- About page additions: Feedback button, Tell A Friend button, Bee Invoicing Mobile and Bee Calculator links
- Adjust margins of PDF’s to allow for printing without scaling.
(2 May 2018)
1.10.4 Update:
- New PDF Template 3
- PDF Template 2: Change font to be the same as rest of Invoice.
- Reset Invoice Number back one when last Invoice is deleted.
- Invoice Editor: Display users currency on all relevant field titles
- Fixes to importing Contacts for High Sierra
- Correction to sort order of Invoice/Quote Lines on PDF.
- Bug fixes.
(6 Feb 2018)
1.10.3 Update:
- Change display of Footer in PDF’s to match setup in Companies.
- Fixes to importing Contacts for High Sierra
- Dashboard bug fixes.
(15 Jan 2018)
1.10.2 Update:
- Update to PDF templates.
- Bug fixes.
(06 Dec 2017)
1.10.1 Update:
- Improvements to PDF’s.
- If no Invoice Lines use Unit, don’t display.
- Fix display of Tax Rate in Invoice Editor (when tax rate has a decimal place)
- Update to Swift 4
(27 Nov 2017)
1.1.0 Update:
- iCloud Sync - Sync your Bee Invoicing data between Macs using your iCloud account
- Bug fixes
(14 Aug 2017)
1.0.9 Minor Update:
- Allow Discounts in % or $ (set up in Preferences)
- Allow Discounts on Timesheet Invoice Lines
- Allow Delete and Tag of multiple Items.
- Archiving
- Credit Notes
- A4 page size adjustment to correct display of Footer when printing PDF’s.
- Correction to display of Invoice Notes on long (> 1 page) Invoices.
- Expand Dashboard toolbar item to same width as others.
(30 May 2017)
1.0.8 Minor Update:
- Allow multiple search terms in Search bars
- Bug fixes.
(16 Jan 2017)
1.0.7 Minor Update:
- Updated Payment Selection Window - Display Invoices instead of using Customer and Invoice Drop-down lists.
- Payments Editor: only tick the “Mark Invoice as Paid” box if Payment amount will take Invoice balance to zero.
- Timesheets Entry: when user starts typing in Timesheet Description field, display table showing matching past entries for user to select from.
- Fix display of Statement PDF (Template 2).
(1 Dec 2016)
1.0.6 Minor Update:
- Bug Fix: Invoice Number not displaying in Template 1 on Sierra.
- Increase Width of Description Field when adding Item to Invoice.
(25 Oct 2016)
1.0.5 Minor Update:
- When creating an Invoice Payment, exclude Closed Invoices from Invoice List.
- Preferences: New Template Selection (applies to all PDF documents)
- Fix bug relating to Customer totals when multiple Companies in use.
- Ensure Job selected before saving Timesheet
(23 Aug 2016)
1.0.4 Minor Update:
- Fix bug with Dashboard labels not displaying
- Update Job totals as Timesheet entries are added/deleted.
(03 May 2016)
1.0.3 Minor Update:
- Performance tuning
- Allow Items to be created on-the-fly during Invoice creation/editing.
- Fix crash when hit Delete button when there is no Company to delete.
- Behind-the-scenes improvements to Export/Import of data.
- For long notes on PDF documents, attempt to split across 2 pages.
- Companies: Next Invoice/Quote Number validation - check for non-numeric characters
- Companies: Add recommended maximum sizes to logo note.
- Allow Auto-Payments to be created during Invoice creation.
(15 April 2016)
1.0.2 Minor Update:
- Tax Rates (in Invoice Editor and Companies screens): Allow up to 4dp
- Dashboard: Include 2014 in Year drop-down list for historic Invoices.
- Update Customer Totals when Invoices/Payments created/modified/deleted.
- Dashboard: Correction to Overdue Invoices calculation.
- Set up Control-Click to work the same as Right Click
- Sort Timesheet Entries on Invoice by Date (unless re-ordered by User).
- Implement custom About page to display version correctly.
- Correct the sort order for all drop-down lists
- Dashboard: Remove cumulative total from Monthly Revenue Chart
- Create Invoice Copy: do not copy Timesheet lines, ensure line date is blank, allow column sorting when selecting Invoice/Quote to copy.
- Quote Editor: Hide “Create Quote Copy” button when editing a Quote.
- Display logo size warning
- When new Invoice/Quote is cancelled, do not auto-increment “Next Invoice/Quote Number” field on Company.
- Fix bug where Custom Field Values not available at times when multiple companies in use
- Fix bug that causes crash when creating an Item using a Product Group with blank Unit.
- Fix bug that causes crash when user attempts to create a Payment for Customer with no unpaid Invoices available.
(17 February 2016)
1.0.1 Minor Update:
- Make Help Files available
- Display Currency Symbol and Code in main Invoices view
- Limit size of Company Logo
- Correction to next Invoice/Quote Number calculation
- Bug fixes
(13 January 2016)