
2.4.8 Update:
  1. Make Packing List active from Quotes also
  2. Add option to View only Unpaid invoices on main Invoices screen
  3. Fix opening of PDF where Customer has /.\ in name
  4. If blank Item Description on Add/Update, ensure it is populated with ‘ITEM DESCRIPTION’.

(submitted 4 November 2024)

2.4.7 Update:
  1. For MacOS Sequoia use QuickLook instead of Preview to view PDFs

(submitted 14 September 2024)

2.4.5 Update:
  1. Add Copy button for Timesheet Descriptions.

(5 April 2024)

2.4.4 Update:
  1. Minor adjustment to Timesheet Description suggestion list.

(25 February 2024)

2.4.3 Update:
  1. Updates for MacOS Sonoma

(04 October 2023)

2.4.2 Update:
  1. Bug fixed: Issue with Viewing PDF when Customer Name has diacritic letters.
  2. Timesheet Items on Invoice: Allow modification of Description and Unit in Invoice Editor.

(11 May 2023)

2.4.1 Update:
  1. Bug fixed: When sending PDF via Mail, email subject and recipients were blank for macOS Ventura users.

(17 Nov 2022)

2.4.0 Update:
  1. We have removed in-app purchases - the Time Tracker is now available to all users.

(9 Nov 2022)

2.3.4 Update:
  1. Invoice Item Editor: display correct currency symbol with Discount.

(30 Sep 2022)

2.3.3 Update:
  1. Expanded Item Description field when adding Items or adding Items to Invoice.

(5 Jul 2022)

2.3.2 Update:
  1. Correction to values in Locales that use comma decimal separator and a french translation correction.

(6 Apr 2022)

2.3.1 Update:
  1. Bug fix with rounding of Large Numbers on Invoice Lines.
  2. Include Minimum/Maximum Year restrictions on dates to prevent mis-keying of year.

(4 Apr 2022)

2.2.9 Update:
  1. Bug Fix.

(2 Nov 2021)

2.2.8 Update:
  1. Display 0% tax on PDF and screen if tax code is loaded.
  2. Update of Bee Invoicing logo.
  3. Minor background updates.

(21 Oct 2021)

2.2.7 Update:
  1. Allow different Tax Rates per Item
  2. Expand length of Description text input fields when window is expanded
  3. App icon updated.
  4. Correction to allow for editing an Invoice Line where Item has been deleted.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

(27 Sep 2021)

2.2.6 Update:
  1. Time Tracker: New “Resume” button allows Time Tracker to add time to an existing Time Entry.
  2. Time Tracker: Rounding options - Round to Nearest time (current), Round Up, Round Down.
  3. Receipt layout added for Template 5
  4. Allow delete of multiple Invoice line items (hold down Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple lines).

(20 May 2021)

2.2.5 Update:
  1. Use user defined title when displaying document number on PDF’s, e.g. “Invoice No.”.
  2. Bug fix relating to importing Contacts (when address label is nil)
  3. Changes to Daisy HelpBot

(01 April 2021)

2.2.4 Update:
  1. Switch the Email button to a Share button to allow PDF’s to be shared via more means.
  2. Invoice Totals have been moved to the sidebar in line with other tables.
  3. PDF Invoices - display Item Price up to 4 decimal places.
  4. Bug fixes.

(6 Dec 2020)

2.2.3 Update:
  1. Email direct from Bee Invoicing is now available!
  2. Invoice PDF Template adjustments.
  3. Payments: Allow negative Payments for payment of Credit Notes. Adjust Payment Amount when Invoice balance > 2 decimal places and full balance is being paid.
  4. Improvements to adding new Customer from Contacts on-the-fly during Invoicing.
  5. Issue with Importing CSV Items in Europe where they use comma in their amounts. This creates an issue in CSV files. Information alert given.
  6. Adjustments to Daisy the HelpBot which was cutting off the end of longer conversations

(5 Nov 2020)

2.2.1 Update:
  1. Timer bug-fix!

(15 Sep 2020)

2.2 Update:
  1. New Time Tracker Tool! Track your time spent on a task and automatically create Timesheet entries. Available in the new Store tab.
  2. New PDF Template added. This template has been designed with wider margins and return address on the left to suit printing and folding into a double-windowed envelope.
  3. Minor updates to Reports.
  4. Minor update to Dashboard.
  5. Minor adjustments to display of Buttons.

(11 Sep 2020)

2.1.4 Update:
  1. New Reporting Tool! Reports now available: Invoice Details, Tax Summary, Revenue by Client, Item Sales, Time Entry Details (more to come…)
  2. Adding Customers on-the-fly from Contacts during Invoicing.
  3. Customer-specific Invoice Prefixes
  4. Full Customer History Report (part of Customer Statements)
  5. Add shadow to windows
  6. Link to new tool to auto-resize logos (in Companies tab)

(24 July 2020)

2.1.3 Update:
  1. Receipt PDF Adjustments
  2. Allow Invoice and Quote prefix of up to 10 characters (previously 6)
  3. Fix display of notes that use Helvetica Neue Light

(16 Nov 2019)

2.1.1 Update:
  1. PDF Receipts now available! (in Payments tab)
  2. Include Invoice/Quote Prefix in PDF filename.
  3. Allow setting of default Company (in Companies, useful when there is more than one Company).
  4. Auto-save Toolbar customisations.
  5. Update display of Currency Symbol on Invoice Lines when currency changed in Invoice Editor.
  6. Include “Notes” when exporting Customers and Items.
  7. Minor display adjustments.

(18 Oct 2019)

2.1.0 Update:
  1. Dashboard update.
  2. Small updates

(30 Aug 2019)

2.0.7 Update:
  1. Spanish translation.
  2. Improvements to French translations.
  3. Correction to rounding to always use half-up method.

(16 May 2019)

2.0.5 Update:
  1. Our first translation! Bee Invoicing now available in French. More languages to come!
  2. Allow negative taxes.
  3. Allow View of multiple Invoices at once.
  4. Include Custom Fields in Invoice/Quote export.
  5. Bug fix: When select multiple Items and ctrl-click (instead of right-click), only a single row is selected (i.e. if want to delete multiple Items).
  6. Bug fix: Dashboard was not updating when new Invoice added.
  7. Bug fix with multi-page Quotes/Invoices when font not set in Preferences.

(9 April 2019)

2.0.4 Update:
  1. Allow fixed Invoice and Quote Number prefixes.
  2. Include link to Privacy Policy in About Page
  3. Add page numbers when PDF goes across multiple pages.
  4. Corrections to Help pages
  5. Correct margins of Footer on PDF to match rest of document
  6. When copying Quote to Invoice - don’t copy notes, get them directly from Company

(12 Feb 2019)

2.0.3 Update:
  1. Allow Customers to be created “on-the-fly” during Invoicing.
  2. When new Product Group added, scroll to and select new group.
  3. When selecting (highlighting) an Invoice line, highlighted text should go white against a dark background.
  4. Due Date & Delivery Date automatically “ticked” when date updated.
  5. Bug fixes

(20 Sep 2018)

2.0.2 Update:
  1. Fix display of toolbar for older OS’s and in fullscreen mode.
  2. Bug fixes

(7 Sep 2018)

2.0 Update:
  1. Fresh new look!
  2. New PDF Template added

(24 Aug 2018)

1.10.8 Update:
  1. Daisy the HelpBot - give me a try!

(25 May 2018)

1.10.6 Update:
  1. Bug fix for Euro users that use comma separator in numbers.

(4 May 2018)

1.10.5 Update:
  1. New option to view ALL Customer Statements
  2. New option in Timesheets to view All Open Timesheets
  3. Allow 4d.p. on Item and Job rates.
  4. Display negative balances on main Invoices screen.
  5. Bug fix: Inactive Customers appearing in Customer drop-down list in Invoice Editor
  6. About page additions: Feedback button, Tell A Friend button, Bee Invoicing Mobile and Bee Calculator links
  7. Adjust margins of PDF’s to allow for printing without scaling.

(2 May 2018)

1.10.4 Update:
  1. New PDF Template 3
  2. PDF Template 2: Change font to be the same as rest of Invoice.
  3. Reset Invoice Number back one when last Invoice is deleted.
  4. Invoice Editor: Display users currency on all relevant field titles
  5. Fixes to importing Contacts for High Sierra
  6. Correction to sort order of Invoice/Quote Lines on PDF.
  7. Bug fixes.

(6 Feb 2018)

1.10.3 Update:
  1. Change display of Footer in PDF’s to match setup in Companies.
  2. Fixes to importing Contacts for High Sierra
  3. Dashboard bug fixes.

(15 Jan 2018)

1.10.2 Update:
  1. Update to PDF templates.
  2. Bug fixes.

(06 Dec 2017)

1.10.1 Update:
  1. Improvements to PDF’s.
  2. If no Invoice Lines use Unit, don’t display.
  3. Fix display of Tax Rate in Invoice Editor (when tax rate has a decimal place)
  4. Update to Swift 4

(27 Nov 2017)

1.1.0 Update:
  1. iCloud Sync - Sync your Bee Invoicing data between Macs using your iCloud account
  2. Bug fixes

(14 Aug 2017)

1.0.9 Minor Update:
  1. Allow Discounts in % or $ (set up in Preferences)
  2. Allow Discounts on Timesheet Invoice Lines
  3. Allow Delete and Tag of multiple Items.
  4. Archiving
  5. Credit Notes
  6. A4 page size adjustment to correct display of Footer when printing PDF’s.
  7. Correction to display of Invoice Notes on long (> 1 page) Invoices.
  8. Expand Dashboard toolbar item to same width as others.

(30 May 2017)

1.0.8 Minor Update:
  1. Allow multiple search terms in Search bars
  2. Bug fixes.

(16 Jan 2017)

1.0.7 Minor Update:
  1. Updated Payment Selection Window - Display Invoices instead of using Customer and Invoice Drop-down lists.
  2. Payments Editor: only tick the “Mark Invoice as Paid” box if Payment amount will take Invoice balance to zero.
  3. Timesheets Entry: when user starts typing in Timesheet Description field, display table showing matching past entries for user to select from.
  4. Fix display of Statement PDF (Template 2).

(1 Dec 2016)

1.0.6 Minor Update:
  1. Bug Fix: Invoice Number not displaying in Template 1 on Sierra.
  2. Increase Width of Description Field when adding Item to Invoice.

(25 Oct 2016)

1.0.5 Minor Update:
  1. When creating an Invoice Payment, exclude Closed Invoices from Invoice List.
  2. Preferences: New Template Selection (applies to all PDF documents)
  3. Fix bug relating to Customer totals when multiple Companies in use.
  4. Ensure Job selected before saving Timesheet

(23 Aug 2016)

1.0.4 Minor Update:
  1. Fix bug with Dashboard labels not displaying
  2. Update Job totals as Timesheet entries are added/deleted.

(03 May 2016)

1.0.3 Minor Update:
  1. Performance tuning
  2. Allow Items to be created on-the-fly during Invoice creation/editing.
  3. Fix crash when hit Delete button when there is no Company to delete.
  4. Behind-the-scenes improvements to Export/Import of data.
  5. For long notes on PDF documents, attempt to split across 2 pages.
  6. Companies: Next Invoice/Quote Number validation - check for non-numeric characters
  7. Companies: Add recommended maximum sizes to logo note.
  8. Allow Auto-Payments to be created during Invoice creation.

(15 April 2016)

1.0.2 Minor Update:
  1. Tax Rates (in Invoice Editor and Companies screens): Allow up to 4dp
  2. Dashboard: Include 2014 in Year drop-down list for historic Invoices.
  3. Update Customer Totals when Invoices/Payments created/modified/deleted.
  4. Dashboard: Correction to Overdue Invoices calculation.
  5. Set up Control-Click to work the same as Right Click
  6. Sort Timesheet Entries on Invoice by Date (unless re-ordered by User).
  7. Implement custom About page to display version correctly.
  8. Correct the sort order for all drop-down lists
  9. Dashboard: Remove cumulative total from Monthly Revenue Chart
  10. Create Invoice Copy: do not copy Timesheet lines, ensure line date is blank, allow column sorting when selecting Invoice/Quote to copy.
  11. Quote Editor: Hide “Create Quote Copy” button when editing a Quote.
  12. Display logo size warning
  13. When new Invoice/Quote is cancelled, do not auto-increment “Next Invoice/Quote Number” field on Company.
  14. Fix bug where Custom Field Values not available at times when multiple companies in use
  15. Fix bug that causes crash when creating an Item using a Product Group with blank Unit.
  16. Fix bug that causes crash when user attempts to create a Payment for Customer with no unpaid Invoices available.

(17 February 2016)

1.0.1 Minor Update:
  1. Make Help Files available
  2. Display Currency Symbol and Code in main Invoices view
  3. Limit size of Company Logo
  4. Correction to next Invoice/Quote Number calculation
  5. Bug fixes

(13 January 2016)