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PDF Reports

  1. Reports
    1. Invoice: Select an Invoice from the Invoices list (in the “Invoices” tab) and tap “View Invoice PDF”. The Invoice contains all of the Header, Lines, Notes and Totals from your Invoice setup. The Invoice will be addressed to the Billing Customer.
    2. Quote: Select a Quote from the Quotes list and tap “View Quote PDF”. The Quote contains all of the Header, Lines, Notes and Totals from your Quote setup. The Quote will be addressed to the Billing Customer.
    3. Packing List: Select an Invoice from the Invoices list (in the “Invoices” tab) and tap “View Packing List”. The Packing List contains all of the Header details from the Invoice, and Lines details with quantities only (no dollar amounts). There are no totals displayed. The default Packing List Notes from your Company setup will be displayed also. The Packing List will be addressed to the main Customer/Client (i.e. not the Billing Customer).
    4. Credit Note: Select an Invoice from the Invoices list (in the “Invoices” tab) and tap “View Invoice PDF”. If the Invoice has an overall negative Total, it will display the same as an Invoice but with the Credit Note Title (from Preferences).
    5. Statement: To view a Customer Statement, go to the “Customers” tab, select a Customer from the list and tap “View Statement”. A statement window will open in which you can select the following:
      1. To see a full Customer History, turn this switch on, otherwise select the Month and Year of the Statement (it will default to the current month and year).
      2. Select the Company from the drop-down list.
      3. Add/Update Statement Notes as needed then tap “View”.
      4. The Statement is addressed to the Billing Customer and shows all relevant Invoices and Payments for this Customer.
      5. Criteria for inclusion on Statement:
        1. All (non-Draft status) Invoices and Payments in the selected Month/Year will be included in the Statement, whether paid or unpaid.
        2. Any older (non-Draft status) Invoices with an outstanding balance will also be displayed, along with any partial payments.
    6. Receipt: To create a Receipt, go to the "Payments" tab, select a Payment from the Payments list and tap “View Receipt”. The Receipt contains all of the Payment details including Date, Invoice Number, Payment amount and Reference. The Receipt will be addressed to the Billing Customer.
  2. Save, Print, Share Reports: When you view any of the PDF reports, they will open in a Preview window. From here you can save, print or share the report as you wish by tapping “Share”, or email by tapping “Email”. The Customer email address be used for the email.
